Saturday, March 1, 2014

Tech Reflections

There are several things that I am most excited to learn about regarding technology. First, I am  most excited to learn how to incorporate technology into every aspect of my teaching. My students live for technology and they love using their new iPads! Anytime I tell them to go get their iPad's they are motivated to do whatever assignment is at hand. I am looking forward to integrating it in new and exciting ways to challenge my students throughout the iPad pilot period.

I might serve as leader in utilizing technology through photography and videos. I just recently opened my own Teachers Pay Teachers store titled, "Tech Savvy Teachers" and love to create products that involve technology. I am also proficient in Photoshop and marketing.

Some items that I would like to spend more time exploring would be the use of iPad's throughout the day. For example, in what ways do you use technology specifically for math class, or science, language arts, ect. I also would like to learn about using the Smart Board.I also would love learning about having a Flipped Classroom when there are students who do not have access to the internet at home.


  1. Hi Samantha!

    I am a huge fan of the Teachers Pay Teachers site. I'll have to check out your store!

    Our school also uses iPads. I'm excited to collaborate and share different strategies with you!

  2. I love TpT, too! Guess we all get to go shopping! Haha! : >
